Thursday, January 22, 2009

-the art of kawansutra...

few things that made friendship a lot differ...

  • pat your friend's back whenever they accomplish something good and congratulate them...
  • place your hand on his shoulder while walking, it shows that you guys are close enough to do that...
  • ask simple question like 'are you ok?' whenever you see your friend in silence, sometimes they may not reveal you their problems but at least you show that you are concern...
  • know when to listen and when to talk, they will appreciate it...
  • make yourself available in their time of need, they need a shoulder to lean on...
  • respect each other... A MUST...
  • its okay to quarrel once in a while so you guys can realize how foolish you guys are to fight over foolish things...
  • if their jokes not funny, just smile.. at least you don't make their effort hopeless..
  • be friend like a child, childish yet sincere... they don't even know the meaning of hypocrite..
  • its not always about yourself, sometimes its about them too, know when to tolerate and when to be firm... there's boundary but don't make it rigid...
  • laugh at each other a lot coz that's ok.. you can't easily laugh at other people coz might be beaten to pulp..;p
  • buy chocolate if she's/ he's angry.. you may not want to admit your faults sometimes so this may do the trick...
  • last but not least, tickle each other often.. it can be a form of exercise too you know...

and yet, sometimes the simplest thing is so hard to do...

"Appreciate what you got, love it while its still there, coz you never know , when its gone, nothing nicer can replace it better"


born friday13 said...

wow, thats handful of advice..

being in a realtionship (friendship or others, thanks God, my family didnt trash me) is never my cup of tea. normally,im a text book person when it comes to interacting with people.

i read a lot, so that i can converse to others. however, text book without hands-on approach is a disaster.

thank you, that is very insightful

StaindLee said...

kasih arfena- r u qas?? if nt, sory.. if yes, so u gt other blog eh.. huhu..

this one, partly what i did, partly what i hope somebody did to me.. so its from the heart.. <3