during dinner just now at a mamak restaurant outside campus, we watched an interesting movie while eating... i don't know the title.. it's about this white blind man who was in the process of recovering his sight and found out he fall in love with an Indian girl who afraid that he won't accept him when he found how she looks like once he recovered... hah! there you go, a very brief summary.. the thing is he didn't recovered from his plight (the blindness was somehow due to some problems in his brain) and told the girl she is always beautiful (which she is) to him based on her characters...
so what do i found interesting here?~~~(the frog is croaking)
well, should a blind man suddenly regains his sight and he is able to see the world, how would they know which one is ugly and which one is beautiful? they never see a sample of ugliness before.
is it like this?or is it like this?
it can be the other way round you see for those who don't know which is to be called which... is there some sort of hormone inside us which suddenly please to see something good looking and hence we label them beautiful? or is it something that being taught by people, society; one's environment? and why are we doing so?
it's true that majority of people like good looking stuffs and people.. even myself.. i love something with good features and you know what those features are because its basically the same for all of us.. so, where do we put those so called not-up-to-our-standard-of-good-looking then? why does we tend to become so bias sometimes (and the whole time we're saying we're not)
for sure there are reasons for the existence of everything... i always teach myself to look at people skin deep not just the outer part of it... accept imperfections as a gifts not a curse... to look at the beauty of things no matter how worse it looks like... and its not easy, being a mere human i tend to lose my judgements sometimes..
remember the story of the ugly duckling.. it's about this ugly duck who was being secluded due to it's ugliness but then grew up a very beautiful swan (i think, correct me if i'm wrong).. its a good moral story...i'm not a very good looking person myself too though i'm thanking God for what He had given me.. it makes me wonder sometimes do people befriend with me based on my look? like when a girl suddenly show her interest or avoiding me, is it because of my look? (ehmm2 i have to admit i do look at one's appearance first but then i will directly check their attitude.. seriously but then when it comes to friendship i'll f**k myself should i ever become choosy) do they befriend with me because of my attitudes or do they have to (like terpaksalah konon)?
haa.. such is the world.. (haih why all of sudden)
i can go on and on about this topic but then it's near 4 am and i got class at 9 am..
so tell me, who do you like here;
an old student who worries about his mushy belly or
or his innocently uber cute cousin?
p.s: i chia u choki2 if chose ehm2.. u noe.. haha..
life is beautiful y'all.. so is everything in it.. =)
Checkmate (2015)
9 years ago
duh.. i'm not insulting the dog la.. it's just a comparison of the term ugly.. like i said for those just seen the world, they will look at everything uniquely.. and beautiful too...
i tot so.. dats y just afford 2 gve choki2.. haha..
hohoho....kesian la the dog ya... hm.. if me? i choose both...dun care about the mushy belly..and love to see the innocent uber cute cousin....thats it...:) ;p
hohoho....kesian la the dog ya... hm.. if me? i choose both...dun care about the mushy belly..and love to see the innocent uber cute cousin....thats it...:) ;p
Erm....Let me think. Okay, I choose you as my friend and I also take your cousin for Amanda. hehe...See! I'll never leave her behind ;p
mushy belly~hahahahaha~where's my choki2???wakakakakakakaka~
jom jog stan!!aq n esy pon makin mushyyyyyyyy~bulat2 oh~
mushy belly~hahahahaha~where's my choki2???wakakakakakakaka~
jom jog stan!!aq n esy pon makin mushyyyyyyyy~bulat2 oh~
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