strong are you?
Do you think that the measure of one's strength is based on his physical or ability only?
How about emotional and mental strength?
Which one is much more important?
Let us see...
Can you do your works at your most laziest time?
Can you cool down quickly when you angry like hell?
Can you keep yourself awake during your sleepy hour?
Can you resist yourself from buying abundance of stuffs when you go shopping?
Can you restrain yourself from any kind of addiction you have?
Can you stop cursing foul words when things go wrong?
Can you reduce your complain and work to improve?
You see, i'm not that strong either...
so, next time should anyone brag about their strength in front of you, ask them to this few stuffs.. after all its the measure of strength too aite?
-just some random thought of the day...
*and the internet connection here never cease to amaze me, pun intended.. darn! see i'm complaining already*
Definitely YES.
**in reversed order.
cool u got more yes than no.. keep it up and stay strong gal.. =)
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